Thursday, November 8, 2007


Hello World.
This is SyahMan's official blogspot. and if u see the other Syahman's blog,thats a fake one and yes,, pls dun ask us again whether this blog were made by the real Syahman or not. I thnk we have make it clear enough.. haha

okay,for those who dun really noe what or who is SyahMan,ill write u a few introduction bout us

SyahMan is actually the equation of Syahmi + Aiman = SyahMan

so we're Syahmi n Aiman..
We maybe not the handsome ppl in the world,
or we're not the richest ppl in the world,

but we're proud enough to say that
We're the most coolest homo sapiens u could ever see in this entire world...
haha x boleh blah berlagak dlm blog sendiri..haha

urh,, tu je la kot.. we'll try to write as many post as we can,, so to our fans out there

Please Stop Global Warming
Recycle,, think before U throw
Save the Plant, Plant More Trees
Cakap Tak Nak pada merokok
Beli lah yang Original,, Hapuskan lanun cetak rompak

Ye xde kena mengena,, i noe.. aha


Anonymous said...

hahahahhahaha. one word, macam sial. muahahahahahaha. tak boleh bla do korang. tapi takpe takpe. hebat hebat! teruskan perjuangan anda bersama cik sarah. the female homo sapien. oh yeah! waayyyyy to go syahmannnN!

Anonymous said...

eh jap jap jap. rasa berdosa pula cakap s**l
tapi yang penting you mmg tak boleh tahan laaaa, mi. maaf maaf.
ye lah, you guys kan the coolest people ever live kan? popular lagi, so saya tak sepatutnya berkata begitu. jgn ban saya. tidak tidaaaakkk!